Thursday, October 12, 2006

For some reason we're having lousy luck uploading photos, which I realize are the reason most people check our blog.

The coast basicly looks like this. When we get a chance there will be many more pictures of it.

We're still touring the breweries! There are a million of them on the coast. These guys make Scrimshaw, which is great.

Two things: 1) You can see the fog in this picture, it's present every morning and then burns off by early afternoon for a brilliant clear day. 2) We're in Marin County and it's a beautiful place. Fairfax is our location, and it's twenty miles from SF.


Anonymous said...

Did you get to try Red Seal from the tap? Scrimshaw and Red Seal are sold in Chicago!

Anonymous said...

Hey you guys, a coworker who grew up in Marin suggest the ride over Mt. Tamalpias is worth the climb for the view of the city and bay.
Congratulations, Sandra says hi.

Anonymous said...

If yer still there look up Eric Anderson{no relation to Ian}I think he runs some trails out that way.He used to work at Rapid.
See ya soon.

Ira said...

We stayed with Eric, he was a top-notch host.

Ira said...

Pat- We drank some Red Seal last night, but didn't get any at the brewery. There are so many good micro-beers out here that it's hard to keep track. We're trying to tour the Anchor Brewery today, I'll report back.

Anonymous said...

North Coast is the best! We got married in Ft.Bragg just so we could go there with the party. Keg of Red Seal: demolished in 24 hours by about 20 people.
I am Eve, Amber's twin sis (From Vancouver). I've been following your trip. Amazing. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ira & Andrea.. we met enroute to the Ave of the Giants, u had been camping on that coast road.. i had the mtn bike.. my friend had the huge paniers.. glad to see u made it to SF.. how about that Legett hill? Kind of small by comparison, no? Thi hill from Guala to Bodega north of Jenner!!! What a BLAST flying down the hill.. I cut in at Hwy 116 N. of Bodega for Santa Rosa.. 75+ mis on the final push.. had to keep riding after I got home.. couldn't go 'cold turkey'.. hope u'r back in the saddle soon.. John in Santa Rosa CA