Riding from Boseman to Helena to Missoula, Montana has been characterized by wide flat river valleys surrounded by mountains. This is the real Big Sky Country.
Riding into the storm, around Boseman

Highway 12 into Helena

Highway 200, into Missoula

Sunset at our hay bale campsite

Highway 200 riding into Missoula
Hi nomads:
Wow, Missoula already. Great shots, clouds make for drama in the Big Sky. Did you get a good soaking on the way to Helena? Found out from a friend who manages a ranch near Trail creek road that they have been trapping for rattlesnakes, cleared around 600(!) out of the ranch. Thought you'ld like to know that! See you've changed your strategy for camping, when you get a chance do a search in the touring forum for "stealth camping", good tips from experienced tourists there.
Dudes...I'm not avoiding you. I'm crazy fucking busy. Seriously. And plus...if anyone is avoiding anyone, I'd say it's the mofo's riding their bikes in the OPPOSITE direction of me!
We were just talking baout how it's not summer without you.
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